About The Future of Frisch Capital Campaign

Campaign Overview

It is inspirational to look back over 50 years and see the outcome of Alfred Frisch's vision. It is also a stark reminder that critical Jewish institutions like Yeshivat Frisch are not just born, rather they are made, made by the vision and sacrifice of members of our community, and then sustained by the vision and sacrifice of generations that follow. As we celebrate Frisch's 50th anniversary, we look forward to the next 50 years, and ask what is required of us in our time and place. Yes, Yeshivat Frisch is a remarkable success; but for that success to endure we need to address the needs of our own era.

In the short term, there is a need for more space, particularly athletic and gathering space, and we need to address increasing maintenance needs for our facility which is now 15 years old.

And for the long term, the challenge is to ensure that we not only continue to maintain our excellence and improve our programs, but also continue to bend the curve of tuition increases for everyone.

School Overview

School Overview

Yeshivat Frisch is a Modern Orthodox, religious Zionist high school serving the needs of the Jewish community of Bergen County, NJ and surrounding areas. Established in 1971, Frisch provides young men and women with an exemplary education in both Judaic and general studies.

We are guided by four core values: intellectual inquiry, religious growth, pursuit of passion, and kindness. In addition, we prioritize fostering meaningful relationships among students, between students and faculty, and within the wider Frisch community.

In offering our students a thoughtfully-created program of formal and informal education, we aim to foster the development of every aspect of our students' personalities and identities—intellectual, emotional, creative, communal, and religious—as they mature into young men and women whose commitment to Torah and mitzvot permeates every aspect of their lives.


Dr. Ed Lubat

Dr. Ed Lubat


I am excited to publicly announce the Future of Frisch campaign, with the goal of raising 18 million dollars to anchor this long term project. Securing that future for Yeshivat Frisch, in my view, will require building a perpetual fund that will support these endeavors on an ongoing basis. To accomplish this is no small task, but it is one that our community can and must do.

Dr. Ed Lubat


Rabbi Eli Ciner

Rabbi Eli Ciner


At Frisch, we encourage our students to find religious meaning and spirituality and to translate that into a deep commitment to Judaism and Medinat Yisrael. The goal of both formal and informal educational programming is to inspire students in their religious growth and infuse into them an enthusiasm for life-long learning. Frisch's ru'ach is palpable and memorable to students long after their high school experience.

Our hope for this campaign is to enhance Frisch's unique approach to academics, religious growth, and student life. Well planned and carefully constructed facilities will create lasting benefits to Frisch's distinct culture and ruach and contribute to the richness and relevance of each student's journey.

Rabbi Eli Ciner


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Donate for the Next Generation

Your gift will help us reimagine our physical campus to support our current student population as well as enhancing our educational offerings that will help our students succeed in a changing world